Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Corporate Cybersecurity
Small business MSP

Do You Need An MSP?

7 Questions to Ask When Evaluating MSPs Having an up-to-date technology infrastructure is critical for organizations to perform well in this ever-changing business environment. An outdated technology infrastructure can harm your business by: Giving cybercriminals a free pass Putting your company in hot water with regulators Reducing overall productivity Causing employee dissatisfaction Upsetting your customers […]

Corporate Cybersecurity Data Security PCI-DSS
PCI-DSS Compliance: What You Should Know

PCI-DSS Compliance: What You Should Know

Over the last year, many organizations struggled to keep their private data secure against cyberthreats as they rushed to adapt to pandemic-inspired shifts in workforce and operations. Cybercrime is becoming increasingly prevalent, and the sophistication and volume of cyberattacks is escalating as well. According to a Statista report, over 300 million ransomware attacks occurred in […]

Cybersecurity Technology

MS Tech Solutions training the next generation of software enthusiasts

MS Tech Solutions, a Jamaican-based multinational information technology company, has sought to satisfy the market for information technology (IT) specialists by training the next generation of software enthusiasts. In recent years, the demand for careers in IT has skyrocketed, with analysts indicating that there are nearly five million vacancies in the cybersecurity field alone. Through […]